Are different models typically of similar quality

Are different models typically of similar quality

Lawnmower Question Selection Tool

Hi there, I’m in New Zealand and the Greenworks mowers here are different models to those you e reviewed. I’m looking at a 40v 46cm one that is not self propelled (LMF412). You’ve done great reviews on other Greenworks cordless push mowers. Typically speaking should that mean these with different specs are equally good? Or do you find standards can vary greatly between models?

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Posted by RJ
Asked on July 14, 2024 9:20 am
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Hi. Typically the build standards and quality is equal between the variations from country to country. There will be a difference between the basic models and the higher end models from the same brand. I have been importing mower from the US for testing and the mower is almost identical apart from a few visual features and the voltage of course. Thanks Mark

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 185)
Answered on July 15, 2024 2:11 pm
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