Luba 3000 vs 5000

Luba 3000 vs 5000

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I have a garden that is over 3000sqm, with multiple no go zones (pond). How is the 3000sqm capacity measured is it just based on battery capacity?
Will the 3000sqm cover 4000sqm with 25% no go zones?

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Posted by Bryan L
Asked on April 16, 2024 1:07 pm
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What's Haappening i am neew to this, I stumbleed upon thijs I've discovered It positively helpful and it has helped me out loads.
I hope to contribute & aid different customers
like its helped me. Great job.

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Posted by Anonymous
Answered on October 15, 2024 6:19 pm
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Also did you ever update the review on the Luba1 after lending it to your neighbour?

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Posted by Bryan L
Answered on April 16, 2024 2:23 pm
My neighbour loves the Luba robotic mower and it works really well for him. His only complaint is that he spends more time sitting and watching the Luba than it would take to mow the lawn.. I never got round to making the update video due to an operation/issues etc. He has a lot of trees and a many more obstacles and hedges for it to navigate around, and only had an issue under some trees in the far corner of the garden. This year he has got someone to put the RTK station higher up on the side of his property. This has resolved the issue. He did however have to remap the entire lawn and all the hedges and beds. This would not be an issue with the Luba 2 as the camera would kick in when satellite's are lost. Thanks Mark
( at April 16, 2024 4:03 pm)
Thanks for the update. I’m not 100% clear as to whether the mower needs line of sight to the RTK or not. Based on your video with both lawns I’m assuming not?
(Bryan L at April 16, 2024 6:32 pm)
No, line of site between the mower and the RTK is not required. It basically comes down to the RTK station seeing as much of the sky as possible. This ensures the mower and the RTK station can "see" as many of the SAME satellites as possible. For more info take a look at this video - Thanks Mark
( at April 17, 2024 11:28 am)
Luba 2 5000 ordered. Now to find the perfect site for the charger. Couple of questions: Can charger be on the path beside the house rather than near lawn? Can zones overlap? As I'm looking at creating multiple zones and minimal no go areas?
(Bryan L at April 17, 2024 4:08 pm)
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Hi, yes in the UK.
Large complex garden with trees, hedges, beds, a pond and a stream to navigate.
All grass areas are linked so could be 1 big zone, or multiple smaller ones.
Happy to test your Luba2 on something more challenging that your lovely flat grass.

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Posted by Bryan L
Answered on April 16, 2024 2:22 pm
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Hi, Technically there is no difference between the Luba AWD 5000 and the 3000. The difference is in the programming of how many hours can be mowed each day (and the reduced number of zones 5000: 10 zones 3000: 6 zones. Both have a 10Ah battery fitted.

Comparison table between version 1 models here -

Are you in the UK? If so, I take it you are going for the version 2 Luba with the camera?

My Luba 2 AWD 5000 arrived a couple of days ago, I will be doing a video review soon (when the weather improves).


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 185)
Answered on April 16, 2024 1:14 pm
Did you ever update the Luba review with your neighbours feedback? I am looking at Luba2. My garden is very complex, but all linked. Multiple beds, trees, hedges and a pond to cope with.
(Bryan L at April 16, 2024 2:19 pm)
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